PuristSPro has no advertising from Lomgines

Jun 14, 2013,08:53 AM

so your basic hypothesis is incorrect.

The responses from the community are not coordinated not instigated by the moderators of PuristSPro.


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Shenanigans in Longine's Current Watch Portfolio - A Picture Expose

 By: georgeb : June 10th, 2013-11:36
Hi all, I've been looking at the Longines website and their current product offerings. I noticed a very disturbing number of their current watches seem to clearly draw "inspiration" from other brands. Those brands are some of the most revered in the world...  

Bah,yes and no.....

 By: moc : June 10th, 2013-13:32
Your comparison exercise could be applied to dozens and dozens of cases of close inspiration ,so to say. There are models that are very very similar in many brands,even amongst the most expensive and (supposedly)exclusive. It all depends where a brand pos... 

ahem...seriously? No.

 By: ThomasM : June 10th, 2013-15:16
Hi George, Sorry, I dont see the issue. The examples you cite are no more "copies" than are even the examples you gave of the ones being "copied" look back to older designs, look back to the 70's, 60's, even back to the 1900-1940's - you'll see very few d... 

+++ 1. [nt]

 By: amanico : June 10th, 2013-21:35

This is your first post on this wonderful forum

 By: Spellbound : June 10th, 2013-17:00
georgeb, This is your first post on this wonderful forum, and you start by lambasting a brand with a 180 year history. I have seen similar threads on other forums. It's like you have an axe to grind or something. You should be grateful that Longines are p... 

Just browsing another forum

 By: Spellbound : June 10th, 2013-17:26
I was just browsing another well know forum and I came across another post this morning lambasting Longines in the same way. The poster was named JorgesB, so I guess that is you again, and apparently you posted a similar thread on that forum a month ago. ... 

Thanks, but...

 By: georgeb : June 10th, 2013-18:28
Are you a Longines owner? Don't read too much into intentions. I happen to own a few of those mentioned brands and noticed the 'similarities'. Maybe being politically correct is better. Just one thing though. I see you have 121 posts and that's 119 more t... 

Sorry but there are real questions about this poster

 By: jkingston : June 10th, 2013-21:08
It seems that there is an organized move afoot to post scurrilous things about Longines. The substance of the posts which have popped up on various websites is nonsensical. The orchestrated way in which this happening is troubling. One would have hope tha... 

Just one example to prove that you are wrong, and that you should be more prudent.

 By: amanico : June 10th, 2013-21:40
The Longines diver is a copy of the JLC Polaris? Are you serious? The Longines diver was issued as soon as 1960. The Polaris was born as a Proto in... 1963.

Thanks for the detailing

 By: AndrewD : June 11th, 2013-03:07
Thanks for the detailing, Nicolas. I had a feeling the Longines Diver came first. Interesting to see how the fashions of the period influenced design, even down to font choices. Andrew

There are only so many basic shapes.

 By: mkvc : June 10th, 2013-22:50
A round watch with roman numerals is not necessarily a copy of any of the hundreds of other round watches with roman numerals, especially when (as is the case in each of your examples) there are other significant differences in both details and overall co... 

All said about Legend diver in Nicolas reply but

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : June 11th, 2013-00:15
Weems as copy of Astrotourbillon? You don't like Longines question is why? True reason why? Best Damjan


 By: Dave G : June 11th, 2013-01:43
This is the second time I've seen this post. Like others have noted it only takes a few minutes of research to see Longines originated theses designs decades ago. The Diver came before the Polaris in 1960. The Weems dates to 1927 in original form and the ... 

Longines has been around since 1832!!

 By: Hororgasm : June 11th, 2013-02:40
Howdy and welcome to the forum Longines is a highly reputable brand, with ALOT of history; and their offerings are priced reasonably and great value for money. I suppose there are similarities like you have pointed out, but there is a basic premise for al... 

one piece of Longines history that no one has mentioned.

 By: G99 : June 11th, 2013-05:28
when the Aggasiz brothers formed Longines they also continued to make movements under the original Aggasiz name. these movements were of the highest quality with Geneva seals and supplied for use in watches by both Patek and Vacheron amongst others. i'll ... 

Jorges thanks for introducing me to Longines

 By: Spellbound : June 11th, 2013-07:17
Thanks for the post. I had never really thought of buying a Longines before this post, but the Avigation looked pretty unique, so I read some reviews on the watch, and it looks like a great watch at a reasonable price. I'll have to see one in the metal th... 

You are due a welcome...

 By: pplater : June 11th, 2013-05:38
...so 'welcome here' - sincerely. It is hasty for anyone to judge your motives or thinking on the strength of one post and reply, particularly as you are not yet familiar with the tenets of decorum which we hope to offer, and receive, here. Hopefully we w... 

Oddly no one has mentioned the Cartier Tank

 By: georgeb : June 11th, 2013-06:23
I've heard the arguments in defense of Longines. Most are along the lines of - Vehement emotional response. "are you kidding?", "get over it!". "Blasphemy!" - Citation of Longines long history. And that obviously means Longines can never do wrong. - Consp... 

i'm happy to go on...

 By: G99 : June 11th, 2013-06:39
i'm happy to go on record as saying that very little in Longines current line up actually interests me. the Legend Diver is just that, a Legend, but nothing much else floats my boat. i dont believe anyone is blindly loving Longines, they are just pointing... 

You cracked it Watson!

 By: moc : June 11th, 2013-07:30
Dam,our secret plan to take over the world has Been discovered. Secretly we have been funded by Longines to world domination,starting from monopolisation of the watch world first. In fact we had a big summit just after your post in our secret hq on top of... 

Mo Mo Mo!!!!

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : June 11th, 2013-14:48
You know what happens to the one who denunciate our secret plot...sorry Darko will visit you tomorrow :) Best my mate in connspiration P.S. I hope that Longines will now finally send me the Lindbergh pro bono Damjan

The Tank is the only one where I would agree with you ...

 By: Marcus Hanke : June 11th, 2013-07:32
... However, it is wrong to draw the conclusions you did, that Longines is merely a copycat of the industry. It happens sometimes that iconic designs are copied, or, as industry officials like to put it, "inspired a hommage". Just look at the original Plo...  

Interesting; I don't see any more validity to the OP's point on the Tank example

 By: ThomasM : June 11th, 2013-08:22
than from any of the other examples given - it is different enough that, whether there was or not any "design studying" during the design phase of the modern, current example (I'm not saying there was or wasn't) I don't see an issue with "copying" egregio... 

Well..I learn something new today...so in my books, something good happen!!

 By: Hororgasm : June 11th, 2013-10:33
Never heard of the A-7 till today!!! Thanks for the history lesson. Best, Horo

Well, I think you are totally out, here. Do we even say that Longines is the best brand?

 By: amanico : June 11th, 2013-08:17
Did we ever say that Longines is a perfect world? We could discuss a more interesting, and less wrong point, which could be the present of Longines, which is far from being, in quality, and horologically, at the level of the past of the brand; If you spen... 

If someone doesn't agree with you, "there is no hope."

 By: ThomasM : June 11th, 2013-09:05
Dear georgeb, 1. Your posts and this thread are still up. 'nuf said. 2. If someone disagrees with you, your reply is you are "attacked" ...sorry, that just ain't so (granted, there are some posts here that have turned ad hominem, but given how you present... 

Who is this guy????

 By: jkingston : June 11th, 2013-09:24
Who is this poster???? A claim that this forum depends on advertising from the Swatch Group. Really??????? Something strange is going on which causes me to doubt the motives of this poster and wonder how it is that similar posts, under a different name, h... 

PuristSPro has no advertising from Lomgines

 By: MTF : June 14th, 2013-08:53
so your basic hypothesis is incorrect. The responses from the community are not coordinated not instigated by the moderators of PuristSPro. Welcome to our community. Regards, MTF CEO PuristSPro

So much effort for so much nonsense

 By: Ubik : June 11th, 2013-07:28
"Longines has no previous model in its history with this rotated dial and crown at 45degs" This is simply not true. Longines produced the A-7 in the thirties to US military spec. Here's an exert from a Longines 1937 catalogue. (credit - ) As others have a...  

I have learned a lot about Longines

 By: AndrewD : June 11th, 2013-15:23
As usual I have learned a lot from this post. My thanks to the Purists who have given detailed replies bringing out Longines history and demonstrating categorically where Longines are drawing their inspiration from. It is great to see their historical des... 

And wait to see the small compilation of 13 ZN Chronos I prepared.

 By: amanico : June 11th, 2013-21:15
Longines was a SUPER brand, with great movements, and fine watches. Dive into the brand, discover the Pandora's box, and open it with greediness. Best, Nicolas ...  

I can't believe this is on the

 By: EJames : June 15th, 2013-19:38
Horological Meandering front page. Moderators - won't you take down this trolls post instead of advertising his maliciousness?

No, this is, in my opinion, a good thing that future trolls can see that they cannot

 By: amanico : June 15th, 2013-21:32
Write anything, here. We have an educated community. We sometimes have some weird people. In this case, this is not Longines which looks bad, but the author of this " post ". Best, Nicolas

Actually it's education for everyone ....

 By: AndrewD : June 16th, 2013-23:49
... in true PuristS fashion. If there is one person out there who thinks this way about similarities in Longines current lineup, there are probably others. What is required is evidence to put this into perspective. And that is what this discussion allows.... 

quite right Andrew. it shows...

 By: G99 : June 17th, 2013-01:25
quite right Andrew. it shows us all that to comment on a heritage collection without knowing the brands full history can be fool hardy so research is paramount before putting your neck on the block. best G On 17 Jun 2013 07:49, "www watchprosite" *Alert f...