Your square golden monster is not here? [nt]

May 25, 2012,07:47 AM

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37 watches and one weighing machine! (29 of 33)

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-05:50
The heaviest of the lot are these 5. The MB&F 1 is below 200gm, but mainly because I have a custom short strap, and I am sure it is a tad above 200gms. The SEIKO is heavy, and it is steel. The bracelet is not really that heavy, although it is a hand finis...  

I was surprised by the weight of opus v. thought the ploprof would reign supreme in weight

 By: patrickmaniac : May 25th, 2012-06:29
density does play a part in this discovery. easy see why the vh classic is easy on the wrist and comfort to the wearer. cheers PAt

I haven't weighed the De Grisogono yet...

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-21:53
but man, the Opus is really a quarter kilo!

too many watches...will repost another set. Chuckles.

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-21:52
I got a backache just taking the pics..haha..

Great post.

 By: VMM : May 25th, 2012-08:22
Very interesting. Thanks. Vte

Thanks..It is very difficult to get a collector with a broad spread from $3 to $300,000

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-21:57
Chuckles..a dealer can do one much better.

Totally Amazing!

 By: elliot55 : May 25th, 2012-08:33
Hey, Bernard - What a great post. I was surprised to see how light the MB&F is, as well as the De Bethune. Something just told me those pieces would be heavier. And the Opus? Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my... I've been hypnotized by that piece. It is a heavy ... 

Yes! The DB28 was amazing..sheese...

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-22:00
I am wondering if the owner of the super light RM has any more humble/less costly pieces to do a shot of comparison. The weighing scale must be calibrated, or the same one used to weigh both watches or more. We are dealing with just fractions here...even ... 

Me too..I thought that its battery would have beaten them

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-22:01
However, the Devon proved "light"!

Bernard, that was an informative overdue post for this forum...

 By: Ronald Held : May 25th, 2012-14:12
My wrist says the Tread 1 should take the top slot.

Thanks Ronald. Funny thing...this weight is so subjective.

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-22:02
I tried guessing which, and I too was miles away from correct.

Without that wide well balanced strap, that watch would..

 By: Ronald Held : May 26th, 2012-05:21
be unwearable for my small wrist.

Balance and fit is critical

 By: AndrewD : May 28th, 2012-15:30
We touched on this topic a few weeks ago [Click Here] and came to the same conclusions: balance and fit are more important than weight and size . Andrew

Thanks..the CDC post will be interesting later.

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-22:07
It serves to stabilise the big watches, preventing swing and slide. It can also be used as a seperator to hide , not reveal, another watch higher up the arm.

Is that a trick question Bernard?

 By: sidneyc : May 25th, 2012-17:18
I counted 36 frames, plus the HM1=37.... BUT! You sneaked in a CdC! So that's really 36 watches.... or do I need glasses? Joking aside, this is a great post! Surprising to see how much some of these watches weigh! The DB28 is ridiculously light!

VERY was an honest oversight.

 By: bernard cheong : May 25th, 2012-22:06
The cdc 's weight needs to be known to all who wish to wear BIG watches. I will explain later...but you can get one made, no need Hermes..too expensive. But if you wish the best, then get the Barenia, because of the old world vegetable oils and open pores... 

Really interesting and in some cases surprising

 By: MWL : May 25th, 2012-23:08
On a side note, what is hermes bracelet called? The one with the little pyramids.

That is also called the cdc collier de chein

 By: bernard cheong : May 26th, 2012-03:45
In all leather, costs a bit more...$400 or is collier de chein gaine.


 By: MWL : May 27th, 2012-02:29
Looks good in your previous post with the two watches on at once.

Interesting post!

 By: andrewluff : May 26th, 2012-06:00
Nice post Bernard and very informative. I actually did this with my collection a few weeks ago following AndrewD's post regarding weights of watches... But did not snap pictures of them all! When I did it the surprise was my Freak which I never realised w... 

The DG coming up

 By: bernard cheong : May 27th, 2012-09:57
Was busy blogging to blast away the past.

How does

 By: flamenco : May 26th, 2012-06:55
41g of brown leather qualify as watch ?!?! Nice spikes though !

Part of the evolution from watches...chuckles.

 By: bernard cheong : May 26th, 2012-17:39
I know, Hermes will not have thought of that. It works for puny wrists like mine! Otherwise, I can't even wear a Rolex.

I forgot to mention that the light cheaper stuff sit with the expensive ones because

 By: bernard cheong : May 27th, 2012-16:00
they will become markers of the history of the times when these watches were bought...when I am no longer around, or if memory fails. The London Olympics and so on...I thought that the making of a 3 sterling pound watch was rather a good idea. They would ...