Thanks for your input, Faisal.

Apr 02, 2012,13:57 PM

The 372 is a clear winner, in my opinion, while we're waiting for something exceptional coming from the Patrimonio...



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SIHH 2012: Panerai PAM 399 and Pam 422.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-04:30
I must say that Panerai surprised me, this year. Well, the Cali and the 2533 SLC are not for me, as I am not a big fan of the " Maiale " on the dial, while I would be ok to see it engraved on a solid case back, and the " black things " are too trendy for ...  

Great review as always.

 By: TdotBean : April 2nd, 2012-06:14
Judging from the tone of the post. Am I wrong to assume we are going to see a return of panerai into vlad's liar. I have to admit even I don't currently wanting one, the 372 is a worth watch to own. Regards Tyler

You're wrong.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-06:56
That is far from being evident that I will have a Panerai in my collection, again. And if I will, so it iwill be a Small Egiziano ( still to be released ) or a 372. But it is really far from being evident. Do keep in mind that till recently I owned a Pre ... 

I can never guess the mind of a frenchie

 By: TdotBean : April 2nd, 2012-07:13
Too complex, my friend. I do agree on the Mare. I really like this watch. Regards Tyler

That complexity is part of our charm... Sometimes. ;)

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-07:21
This message has been edited by amanico on 2012-04-02 07:21:56

for me the 399 is a VERY expensive 422 ..... without the crown protector

 By: Bruno.M1 : April 2nd, 2012-06:38
Never understood why they didn't make 2000 of them and use a Panerai movement instead of this expensive Minerva.

Because there is no Panerai movement, but a Valfleurier.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-06:52
Expensive ,the Minerva is not. Panerai decided to make people believe that itr is expensive. Laboratorio de Ideas... Best, Nicolas

Who knows... maybe Panerai will release a PAM399 variant with P.3000 movement :)

 By: AnthonyTsai : April 2nd, 2012-16:54
That would be nice to see. I'd be VERY surprised if Panerai doesn't make another variation of the PAM399. - AT

+1 here, Anthony. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-20:32
No message body

Thank you for the review

 By: Horological_addict : April 2nd, 2012-06:49
What disturb me a bit on the 422 is the small second. I found it too big and it leads to a less balanced dial, IMO. If the small second could have the same size as the one on the 399, it'll look better. Or even smaller but with the number "9" (same as the... 

Well, the 372 is, in my opinion, much more interesting than these 2.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-06:59
And honestly, I don't really care about ( nor get the interest of ) a power reserve indicator. The simpler is often ( if not always ) the better. Best, Nicolas. This message has been edited by amanico on 2012-04-02 07:23:09

The simpler is the better. Thanks for the thought

 By: timerider : April 2nd, 2012-10:53
provoking post. You have a gift Sir. Best, Tim

Nice..scribble...well balanced like the watches..

 By: sergio : April 2nd, 2012-09:19
if you ask me. I'm lukewarm about these two pieces, so I'll also wait for next year. You haven't bought yourself a 372 yet? What exactely are you waiting for an....engraved...invitation. That piece would be right up your alley, IMO of course. Ciao bello -... 

You know my psychological issue when considering another Panerai.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-10:49
I have to forget what I lost, but when it comes to 2 Pre V pieces, it is more complicated... And I don't see any modern Panerai beating these 2 Pre V pieces. But one day, maybe... Like you, I will certainly wait one more year, unless I receive a 372... Be... 

Thanks for the photos Vlad!

 By: ocwatching : April 2nd, 2012-11:20
and again..sorry to hear about your much beloved lost PAMs...and I totally understand your feelings towards them as they were glorious pieces... with the new releases...I am with Sergio here and I am just luke warm at best... maybe when the 399 comes out ... 

Thanks for your input, Phil.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-11:31
I am still waiting for the Panerai I would be pleased to call mine. Past is past, and I am waiting for my present with the italian brand. Next year, maybe... Best, Nicolas

Appreciate your insight into these models.

 By: MichaelC : April 2nd, 2012-11:56
The PAM399 is an interesting creation. I love that segmented hour hand and large crown. I think it would be a bit of a novelty to wear that case without the crown guard. The price point is challenging. In addition to your prediction of extra pieces, I ful... 

Deep as always

 By: aldossari_faisal : April 2nd, 2012-13:52
I wondered about the 399 when it first made an appearance ...i have to admit the elements of the case and no gurad a seduction but one must weigh the idea as a whole Is this historically correct... im not the one to answer will leave that for A guru paner... 

Thanks for your input, Faisal.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-13:57
The 372 is a clear winner, in my opinion, while we're waiting for something exceptional coming from the Patrimonio... Best, Nicolas

Thanks for sharing the excellent are my feelings..for what its worth

 By: Miranda : April 2nd, 2012-15:46
After SIHH 2011 I was left buzzing....and around March of last year I got wind of a rumour we may see a small Egyziano... I literally wished one year of my life away...for the sake of a watch, I genuinely wanted the year over for SIHH 2012...stupid man th... 

That is one of the reasons why I left the brand.

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-20:17
But at the same time, I haver to say that some people at Panerai are not only professional but also very friendly, and I would like to thank my contact at Panerai ( Panerai France ) who helped me a lot in the Past and who remains a very friendly lady. So ... 

Thanks for your thoughts Nicolas

 By: AnthonyTsai : April 2nd, 2012-16:59
I'm very anxious to see the new collection and to handle these new pieces. I really love the super clean dial of the PAM399. Absolute perfection IMO. For the PAM422, I'm still leaning a lot towards the PAM372 as the winner. The PAM422 is still a great wat... 

The 399 is an eye catcher, and a head scratcher at the same time. ;)

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2012-20:10
Yes, Anrthony, please let us know what do you think of it when you see it. I am curious to have your opinion on this very one. Best, Nicolas

I'll be seeing the PAM399 this week :) [nt]

 By: AnthonyTsai : April 3rd, 2012-08:15
No message body

Laboratorio di idee (and money)

 By: renerod : April 3rd, 2012-20:32
I've always loved Panerai, not all, but the general design of the watches and brand, regardless of their tendence to over-commercialization. What I like also is their creativity, not always well successful, but they keep trying until they get something go... 

The reasons which lead you to love a brand are always there.

 By: amanico : April 3rd, 2012-22:02
Clean, sober and powerful look, these are the reasons of my love for Panerai. I overcome my personal issue. Now the thing is to know if I will be happier with a 372, which is my clear favourite of the present moment, than with a Pre V Logo or Mare. The an... 

We always dwell on the past

 By: renerod : April 4th, 2012-11:27
I'm sure you could get several nice pre-v Panerais if you wanted, but maybe they would bring bad memories. So...dwell with the past and enjoy the present and the expectation of the future is what we do. I'm sure your Panerai time will come soon my friend,... 

While I agree with most of what you say, Nicolas...

 By: sanro : April 4th, 2012-23:44
...I am however on the waiting list for the 422 but I have skipped the 372. The 372 is nicer, simpler, better...yes. But my experience with plexi is that I simply do not wear it with comfort. Silly, I know, since it is so easy to repair (capecod does it f... 

We all have our " phobias "...

 By: amanico : April 5th, 2012-00:55
For me it is injections, while for you it is plexy. Serioously, I can understand your fear and why you prefer to go to sapphire. Fears are like taste, we can't discuss them, they exist, they ruin our pleasure, but there is nothing to do against that. Best... 

I am with you on the injections front!!

 By: sanro : April 5th, 2012-01:27
I have trouble to avoid fainting when having blood extracted!

thank you for the fair review...

 By: a.ler : April 5th, 2012-00:06
your comments are " bull-eyes" , i had the adenaline rush after the pam 372 and though 399 will make good a company, until u brought out the 30m water resistance rating and the "normal " finishing of the minerva. now, i am having second thoughts, though i... 

This is only my point of view, a.ler and I don't claim to have the monopole of

 By: amanico : April 5th, 2012-01:02
The Truth or of the good taste. Which doesn't work for me will work for many others, and that's perfect this way. Now that you're mentionning the 24 A, B or C... I will post something later, maybe in May, about a superb specimen I had the pleasure to take...  

thanks for the picture of that fine example. did u put a silencer on yr camera...

 By: a.ler : April 5th, 2012-01:10
all your panerai pics are so "quiet" , undisturbed and tranquil.. very nice ambience - no fuss , no frill, yet so powerful. thanks!

Thanks for the nice comments, a.ler. No, the only thing I need

 By: amanico : April 5th, 2012-01:15
to take a decent photo is time. The other thing I need, is to be in the good mood for that. Simple, isn't it? Best, Nicolas

With a little of daylight.

 By: tombub : April 8th, 2012-03:16
Hi guys, Thanks to the nice patina and smooth bezel... Ciao !...  

I will soon post pics of yours, my friend.

 By: amanico : April 8th, 2012-03:19
A terrific beauty. Best, Nicolas

Thanks Nicolas for the review and pictures..

 By: colantotte : April 8th, 2012-10:10
I think the new case design of the 372 really sits well on my wrist. I really like it. It maybe 47mm but don't wear 'big' IMO. With all this new models using the same case, it would be interesting to see more variations with it, surely. I still love those... 

Now the thing is that I wonder if too many variations on the same case

 By: amanico : April 8th, 2012-14:28
Don't kill the appeal of the concept. I would have preferred to see this case limited to " real " " 1950 " watches... But this case is great, and yes, it is not that big, at the contrary of what the size would suggest. Best, Colantotte. Nicolas.